Thursday, October 28, 2010

Learning Kumihimo Braiding

Here are photos of the Kumihimo braiding I did at the Bead Cave weekend. I had so much fun learning this techneque that I continued to make several others that weekend and even tried a 12 strands Kumihimo braid later in the week.

Here is the first one I made at the Bead Cave Weekend...
Thanks Carolyn for the refresher class. It was very helpful!

Here is my first attempt I made adding beads at the bead cave weekend. I added beads to the 8 strands. I made a few without beads first to make sure I felt comfortable enough and not missed any steps that would leave a gap in the braid. I enjoyed the bead adding techneque.

Here is a close up to see the bead pattern...

Since I had so much fun with the 8 strand braid, I decided to give the 12 strand a try. Here is a photo of my first attempt at the 12 strand...

For those of you that would like to see how to make a kumihimo braid, you can watch this great how to video on YouTube. This womens video shows you every step and takes her time with each and every one of them...

Kumihimo Kumiloom Braiding Instructions -

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